24 January 2010

The Wind and the Whole World

He wanders the room in search of her, not knowing who she is, not knowing her name or even what she looks like; but just the way she makes the air around him feel when she is near: trembling in stillness as though it was the wind and the whole world now holding its breath, and not him, gripped by the optimistic anticipation of the possibility of her. The wind and whole world sigh as he approaches her, and gasp, as he walks on by, unknowingly. But he, in touch, in search of Love himself, takes pause at the wind and the whole world’s breath and wonders… and turns… and sees... her, surprised to know that he had heard her prayer. While he, surprised to see that she had answered his, surprised that here before him, in her silent radiance, beaming like a thousand suns: staring him down as he watches her, walks toward her, takes her hand and whispers, "My God... my love... you've heard me!" as she crumbles into a thousand pieces in his arms, tripping over her words, expecting everything to be perfect, finding nothing is the same when he is near, but better, she trembles… unable to speak, able only to Love, to Dream, to fall into his arms and live a thousand lives of Hope and Love and all the things between;

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