Love is an anchor and a buoy all the same. It does not attempt to control us or to change us any more than we wish to thus be changed. Love will not tie us down or make our hearts feel kept (beyond the feeling of one who is kindly welcomed to remain or go at his or her own pleasing). Love brings us focus and filters out our desires to be selfish. It gives us empathy when applicable and sympathy when we find ourselves discussing paths we have not walked before. Love brings courage to the weakened mind and discovers all the darkened places of the corners of our souls (Love keeps all our darkest thoughts at bay and lets only those sweet lights within come out when we allow its sweet embrace). Love encircles us when we find ourselves alone and entertains us when we simply need to laugh. Love will never abandon us, but will stay quite consistently at our sides. It will conquer all our fears without ever asking why we were afraid - Love will not ask questions that seem to probe too far without first reminding us of all our hopes and dreams and of how it is here to help us find a grin within the dark. Love will always change us for the better, if we so allow it, but we must learn to recognize it and embrace it and give it not condition in our hearts, but open forum, thus allowing it to grow and take upon itself whatever form or shape it so desires. Love will never disappoint in this regard, my friends, so just allow it to take hold and watch as all the world around you starts to shine in brilliant rays of light that were always there before, though you just never knew to notice.
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