28 July 2012

Just Say Hello

Just Say Hello by Radio for the Blind

Oh, where will the Love be on Tuesday next week?
Oh, where will the Love be, my dear?
Oh, where will the Love be on Tuesday next week?
Oh, I say, my dear, right here
You'll never look again, my dear
For anything or anyone to hold you near
You see, I see clearly the wind
And I feel in its breeze
I could fall...
Down to my knees
I could fall...
In Love with you
Oh, you…
Oh, you…
Oh, you…
Oh, you…
I could whisper and I could dream
Oh, I…
I could do anything, if you want
All you have to say is say Hello
How are you?
How are you?
How are you?
How are you?
Just say Hello
Just say Hello

Guitar by Isaac Clawson
Lyrics & Voice by Joshua David McLerran

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